Exercise For Knee Pain: Knee pain is a common complaint during winter season. In such a situation, with the help of some special workouts mentioned here, you can get relief from this pain.
The Awadh Times: Best Exercise For Knee Pain: The problem of knee pain often increases in winter. In cold weather, the muscles of the body shrink and stiffness in the joints increases. This can further increase the problem of pain and swelling in the knees. But don’t panic, with the help of some special workouts you can get rid of this problem.

Causes of knee pain in winter
In cold weather, the muscles shrink and the joints become stiff. This increases the chances of knee pain. This pain is felt more especially while getting up from bed in the morning.
Blood vessels shrink in cold weather, slowing down blood flow. This can lead to lack of oxygen and nutrients in the joints and increase pain. Arthritis is a disease in which there is swelling and pain in the joints. Arthritis patients suffer more pain during the cold season.
There is less sunlight in winter, which leads to a deficiency of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps to strengthen bones and its deficiency can cause joint pain. Being overweight increases the pressure on the knees and increases the chances of knee pain. People reduce physical activities in winter, which weakens the muscles and can increase joint pain.
Effective workout for knee pain Clamshell exercise:
This exercise helps strengthen the hips and glutes, which play an important role in supporting the knees. To do this, lie on your side and bend both your knees at a 90-degree angle. Then, lift your upper knee up, as if you are opening an oyster.
Exercise For Knee Pain: Side leg raise

This exercise helps strengthen your outer thigh muscles. To do this, lie on your side and keep your legs straight. Then, slowly lift your upper leg and then bring it down.
Exercise For Knee Pain: Static Quad Stretch

This stretch helps to stretch the muscles on the front of your thigh. To do it, lie down on your back and bend one leg at the knee. Then, hold the back of your other leg with your hand and slowly pull your foot towards your thigh.
Exercise For Knee Pain: Hamstring Stretch

This stretch helps to stretch the muscles on the back of your thigh. To do it, stand up straight and extend one leg forward. Then, bend your torso forward until you feel a stretch in the muscles on the back of your thigh.
Exercise For Knee Pain: Knee Extension

This exercise helps to improve the mobility of your knee. To do it, sit on a chair and extend one leg straight. Then, slowly bring your leg down.
Exercise For Knee Pain: Squats

This exercise helps to strengthen your legs and hip muscles. While doing it, make sure that your knees do not go beyond your toes.
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(Disclaimer: Our article is for information purposes only. Contact your doctor for more information.)