Shubham Tripathi
Hi, I’m Shubham Tripathi, a writer at The Awadh Times with a passion for uncovering compelling stories. I specialize in covering a variety of topics, from current events to tech trends, always aiming to provide clear and engaging content. My goal is to simplify complex issues and bring fresh perspectives to readers.
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CAT 2024 Answer Key Download: CAT test answer key would be made available on December 3
CAT 2024 Answer Key: IIM Calcutta said that the CAT test answer key would be made!Download Answer Key for CAT 2024: IIM Calcutta makes...
How can NASA have found galaxies that are older than the universe?
A singularity—a point of infinite density and temperature—contained all of the universe's matter and energy around 13.8 billion years ago. The fast expansion of...